The Shopper

What type of shopper are you? How Does it Affect Your PTA/PTO/PTSO Decisions? Take Our Quiz to Find Out. When you want to make a purchase, you: A. Check your credit card balance first. B. Check inventory and make a list of exactly what you need. C. Call a friend to set a shopping date.…

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Fun Services Holiday Gift Shop vs Competitor

Yes, it is the time of year for PTA’s to make decisions on fundraising options and vendors for the next year. That decision can be a little overwhelming for PTA board members that have been to all of the conventions and are flooded with brochures, flyers, emails and personal conversations with sales representatives. All programs…

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Difference Between PTA & PTO

We have met many parent and teacher representatives over the last few weeks at conventions that are starting their first PTA or PTO at their school or switching from one to the other. Congratulations to those stepping up to make changes to the school to benefit the children! Many parents are confused on the differences…

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10 Steps to Increasing Volunteer Engagement for Parent/Teacher Organizations

Did you know that most schools are struggling with getting enough parent volunteers? Schools are in need of volunteers to run programs supported by the PTA/PTO/PCE’s. Even if parent volunteers fill our their information on signup sheets, it is usually unlikely for most of them to be actively volunteering. If you are noticing a lack of volunteers at your school, we’ve compiled a list of 10 steps to increase active engagement in volunteers!

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Global and Personal Benefits to Volunteering for School Parent Organizations

Not only does volunteering help bring together the community, it also sets a great example for your children. Teaching children to become less self-absorbed, and instead letting them feel they made a difference through their own efforts is a fantastic learning tool and experience every child should have growing up. Fun Services has created a list of the global and personal benefits of parent volunteering for school organizations.

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Teacher Appreciation Week It takes a special person to want to educate children not of their own. It takes a special person to understand that everything they say and do affects young minds that can impact the future of our world. They are not just teaching basic subjects of History, English, Science and Mathematics, they…

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