PTA Announced Its #ThankATeacher Contest for Teacher Appreciation Week
Teacher Appreciation Week is coming up quick! What is something extra special you can do to honor your teachers? In addition to teaching students fundamentals, teachers are instrumental in the growth, confidence and emotional well-being of a child. Educators spend countless hours attending to needs of a child and it is their attention that can drive the student to success. The relationships they hold with their students can be so profound and they may never ever really know how much they impacted the life of a child. To help honor a teacher that is exemplary in guiding these young minds, PTA just announced their #ThankATeacher Contest presenting $20,000 in prizes to teachers across the country during Teacher Appreciation Week.
PTA is encouraging students and family members to share on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram examples of how teachers deliver for students in their school using #ThankATeacher in their message. Two grand prize winners will be selected to each receive a Google Express shopping spree worth up to $4,500 to help spruce up their school’s teachers’ lounges. Four first place winners will receive either a snack or wellness delivery worth up to $2,500 each to help stock up their teachers’ break rooms. All winners, including 25 runner-up winners will receive a Google Home for their school. Three PTAs will also be awarded a special visit to their school from an author or “I Can Read” costumed book character as well as an “I Can Read” book set from Harper Collins. Ten additional PTAs also receive an “I Can Read” book set for their school. The contest runs through April 17, 2017 and the winners will be announced during Teacher Appreciation Week.
Be creative in your posts! How cute would it be to shower your teacher with roses, not tell him or her why, take a photo to post all over social media why the teacher is so special? Fun Services offers Wooden Roses 40 to 60% off of retail to your school. Most schools use the roses as a fundraiser selling them to students for a dollar to buy for their teachers, classmates or family members. As another idea, if a particular teacher is a sports fan, Fun Services carries licensed sports gear such as bags, stuffed animals, cups, pens, flags and balls and you can post about how big of fans the students, parents and faculty are of that teacher. Call 1-888-440-1477 or visit https://fungiftshopssocal.com/gift-line/ for more details on picking up roses or sports items for your school.